
Change your surroundings in the blink of an eye and wield powerful glasses that enable you to see and interact with the world in new ways.

You play as a newly recruited Trip Tender who made a catastrophic error when cleaning the Radio Spire. The error caused a young Trip Tender to be trapped and it’s now your job to save them by solving the puzzle worlds. With the help of Elder Lizard Ambli, you set out on a journey to re-align the portals of the Radio Spire.

Sight is everything and nothing is as it seems. Spectacle is a challenging game where you switch between glasses that give you special powers and manipulate the surroundings by blinking with the character’s eyes. The game uses spatial reasoning, parallel spaces, perspective changes and match cuts, to create mind-twisting puzzles in a charming world of eyeball creatures and lizards.


Half Past Yellow began production on Spectacle in the latter half of 2022. The studio wanted to explore a completely different genre after the launch of Time on Frog Island. The first-person puzzle genre thrives on the exploration of new mechanics and the novelty of using line of sight, blinking, and glasses as the interact method was incredibly interesting.

Throughout 2023, Half Past Yellow developed a vertical slice of Spectacle, but the project failed to attract publisher interest forcing the developer to explore other options. The team continued to develop a demo of Spectacle while starting production on a new project. The demo of Spectacle was released on Steam in the Summer of 2024 during the Cereebral Puzzle Fest. Currently, Spectacle is considered delayed indefinitely


  • Solve puzzles based on blinking, winking, line of sight, and spatial reasoning
  • Explore 3 surreal worlds, each with their own unique visual style and puzzle mechanics
  • Parallel spaces, perspective changes, and match cuts
  • Wield 4 pairs of special glasses that impact how the player views and interacts with the world





About Half Past Yellow

Half Past Yellow is an independent game development studio, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, founded and run by a group of close friends over their shared love of the high-pressure experimental environment of game jams. With many years of combined experience in the industry, the members of Half Past Yellow have worked extensively with other studios on contemporary titles across several different platforms such as Affordable Space Adventures (WiiU, 2015), Frantics (PS4, 2018), and Mutazione (Cross-Platform, 2019) among others.
More information
More information on Half Past Yellow, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Spectacle Credits

Max Wrighton
Game Director
Remy Stuurwold
Tech Director
Casper Petersen
Art Director
Gianfranco Dbeis
Senior Artist
Nikola Vaskov
Goran Petrovski
Sound Designer
Simon Nielsen
Tech Artist
Paw Oktober
Teresina Ho
Angela Manna
Hana Noelle
Additional Art
Laurette Koczura
Art Intern